
Difference between TF2Autobot and tf2-automatic

TF2Autobot adds advantageous features on top of the original features in the tf2-automatic repository. Let me list some notable features in the original tf2-automatic and some that have been added in TF2Autobot:

Original tf2-automatic

TF2Autobot version

More info in the Releases note pages.

Added features

Discord Webhook feature

Instead of your bot sending trade summaries, trade offer reviews, and messages to you via Steam Chat, your bot is able to send it to different channels in your Discord server! If you want to interact with the trade offer reviews and messages sent by your Discord Webhook, you must install tf2-autocord.



You can also set it to send only the trade summary via Discord and have others (like Offer review and Messages) still sent to you via Steam Chat.

Note: it’s also an option to show key rate/pure stock/quick links on each Webhook message.

If you want to use this feature, you must use the ecosystem.template.json from this version. It contains many more variables for you to fill in.

Autokeys (auto-buy or sell keys) feature

When this feature is enabled, your bot will automatically buy or sell keys depending on the amount of pure your bot currently has. You’ll need to set your minimum/maximum keys and minimum/maximum refined metals in your options.json file. Additional explanation can be found here.

.____________________________________________________________.  ._______________________________.
|       **Buying Keys**       |       **Selling Keys**       |  |       **Banking Keys**        |
|       ***************       |       ****************       |  |       ****************        |
|        <———————————○        |            ○————————————>    |  |            ○————————————>     |
| Keys -----|--------|----->  |  Keys -----|--------|----->  |  |  Keys -----|--------|----->   |_______________________________.
|                    ○———>    |         <——○                 |  |            ○————————○         |          **Disabled**         |
| Refs -----|--------|----->  |  Refs -----|--------|----->  |  |  Refs -----|--------|----->   |          ************         |
|          min      max       |           min      max       |  |           min      max        |         <——●                  |
|_____________________________|______________________________|  |______________________________.|  Keys -----|--------|----->   |
                |         **Disabled**        |                 |    **Buying when more ref**   |         <———————————●         |
                |         ************        |                 |          ************         |  Refs -----|--------|----->   |
                |        <——●————————●···>    |                 |         <——●                  |           min      max        |
                | Keys -----|--------|----->  |                 |  Keys -----|--------|----->   |_______________________________|
                |           ●————————●···>    |                 |            ○————————————>     |
                | Refs -----|--------|----->  |                 |  Refs -----|--------|----->   |
                |          min      max       |                 |           min      max        |
                |_____________________________|                 |_______________________________|

Some screenshots:


You can see the code of this feature here.

Emojis and more commands added

Admin commands


Trade partner commands


Offer review summary on the trade partner side



If you’re having your bot trade Unusuals or Australiums (which the value, as we know, is more than 5 keys), and someone sends a trade offer with 0.11 ref underpay, your bot will skip this offer and send you a notification to review this offer. With this exception, your bot will accept the trade as long as the underpay is less than the exceptional value that you’ve set. To use this feature, you’ll need to set the exception value on both INVALID_VALUE_EXCEPTION_SKUS and INVALID_VALUE_EXCEPTION_VALUE_IN_REF. See here.


New bot reply when adding/updating an item


Support buy orders for specific targeted items


Support sell orders as well as buy orders for Crates/Skins/War paints

This was not possible on tf2-automatic.


High value items
